Upon reading the RFSM site information, it looks like they are not going 
to do further development on RFSM2400 and they indicate that there are 
bugs that they corrected when they continued on with development of the 
8000 program.

If they are actually able to sell the program to make it worthwhile 
enough to them to continue, especially for commercial use, then they may 
be able to do OK. But I don't see their product moving forward for ham 
use from this point on. It should have engendered some excitement 
considering that it was a breakthrough type of product, but I have not 
seen any real enthusiasm from hams, even hams outside the U.S. who can 
actually use this mode for text data as well as image.

I am surprised that your performance was not that good on VHF where I 
would have expected it to do the best.


Rick, KV9U

Howard Brown wrote:
> GM Rick,
> Several months ago I did some testing on HF with RFSM2400.
> We were able to transfer 4000 character files in ~40 secs. This
> is similar to what Les was able to achieve.  Conditions were excellent
> then.  Recently I was able to test with Chuck, AA5J on VHF and
> this time the throughput was similar to your numbers even though
> we had good signal conditions. I realize this does not clarify the
> throughput ability but it does show that it can achieve high speeds
> under certain conditions. I still do not know how deep in the mud
> it will go and still work.
> Regarding the tuning; we were able to achieve connects by tuning
> the transceiver dial to the point where the initial sync burst lined up
> with the red line in the 'Tuning to Signal' window during a connect.
> We tested the 3 khz wide mode and then the 2.4 khz mode.  We
> were able to get more throughput on the narrower mode.  I think
> this just says our SSB filters were not handling the wider mode well.
> No doubt we could have changed to wider filters (or FM mode) and
> gotten better results.
> I think the developers were up front that they would eventually
> charge for the package.  I was surprised by the price too. It could
> be worth it if the FCC allows the higher rate, and if many people
> are using the software.  There may be some competition if the ALE
> folks get something in place that is easy to use. I would love to see
> this mode in NBEMS for file transfer operations.
> Howard K5HB

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