Hi All,

Am fairly new to ham radio and I read a lot about the different apps
for different modes and particularly the multi-function apps like HRD
and MixW (for which I have a license) and it's all pretty daunting.
I'm wondering if anyone has done a comparison of features of the
different offerings, perhaps a spreadsheet, either for their personal
benefit or posted somewhere.

I didn't find anything after a brief Google search and a search of
this forum.

The purpose of such a document would not be to say which is "best",
like a Consumer Reports rating, but simply to show which have what
features so that a newcomer could decide which one(s) might best
satisfy *their* needs.

Certainly, such a doc would be out of date within a few weeks of
release since most programs are always being upgraded, but it would be
a start.

I might attempt this on my own at some point but don't want to
reinvent the wheel so thought I'd check here, first.

73 to all

San Diego

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