You might try

You can find all the different software they include on their disk that 
came with that box. All of the software is also available in numerous 
spots on the web, but the MFJ pages can tell you what they included 
with it, so you should be able to expect it to work. SOme of the 
software is shareware, some is demoware, and I think smoe is actually 

--- In, "n0alo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings
> Does anyone have or know where I can find some windows based 
software  for the MFJ-1278? 
> Intrested mostly in rtty but other modes would be usefull as well. 
Don't ask me why I want to mess with
> the old thing, but guess it just because it there on the shelf. Used 
to have multicom but
> it's long gone.
> Thanks
> Lynn

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