Hi all,

I am in communication with Ev, W2EV with regards to the current PropNet 
JT65 contention issue and he has asked what my proposal would be 
regarding frequency coordination.

PropNet and JT65 both require international potential so this means they 
both need to be in the small region of 10.140 - 10.150 MHz (carrier).

Currently the frequencies are:-

 From http://www.propnet.org/frequency_grid.html
10.138.9 (USB vfo) with offsets from 1300Hz to 1600Hz depending on 
geographical location.

 From http://hflink.com/jt65/ the JT65 frequency is:

"The JT65A frequency 30metres is 10139.0 kHz USB VFO"

JT65 has a suggested audio frequency center of 1360Hz with the sync tone 
being at 1270 (approx) and the upper edge is around 1450Hz.

I am aware that the area from 10.140 (carrier) to approximately 10.140.2 
(carrier) is utilized by the QRSS folks and they would probably not like 
anything moving down into their segment.

Does anyone in the 30MDG or Digital Radio group have an opinion on where 
PropNet could find a home on 30m without causing a problem?

I am thinking they either need to go back to where they were or move up 
to something like 10.141.2 (USB vfo). But would this impact PSK31 DX?

I know the PropNet vs JT65 thing is not at the top of many people's list 
but it's making JT65 impossible on 30m right now.

73, Sholto

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