
Thank you for the update, I did not realize MultiPSK had that capability.

73 de

Sholto Fisher wrote:
> Ron & John,
> MultiPSK has an analyzer function in it. It can measure baud rate and 
> shift of RTTY & FSK signals. It will also attempt to measure the symbol 
> rate of BPSK signals.
> I'm guessing that at 14097 it was either a Packet or Pactor station.
> Pactor comes in 3 varieties I, II & III. MultiPSK will decode Pactor-I 
> but for Pactor II & III you need some very specialized and expensive 
> software/hardware. Currently I know of only Hoka Code 300 and the 
> Wavecom decoders which will even attempt it. Prices range from around 
> $8000 and up!
> Outside the ham bands there is little that can be successfully decoded 
> these days. These include Weather FAX, Aviation/WX RTTY (very little 
> nowadays), SITOR (again not much these days), HFDL, GMDSS DSC, Stanag 
> 4285 (usually only test tapes), occasional ARQ-E stations, ALE, CW (eg 
> Cuban spooks) but also some Far Eastern maritime stations still use CW.
> Interestingly the Cuban 'numbers stations' are experimenting right now 
> with RDFT and also PSK220F which I believe is only available in MultiPSK....
> Most "RTTY" stations you hear outside the ham bands are not RTTY at all. 
> They often use a synchronous system and are encrypted so a normal RTTY 
> decoder wouldn't make any sense of it.
> MultiPSK can also decode GMDSS DSC messages and VHF ACARS at present.
> MultiPSK can be downloaded for free at
> 73, Sholto
> W4LDE-Ron wrote:
>> John,
>> It is the PK232, I do think that there is that type of software out 
>> there, wish there was.
>> 73 de
>> Ron W4LDE
>> John Lindsay wrote:
>>> This question has likely been asked previously but I can't find it in
>>> the archives if it has. Is there any multi-mode software that will 
>>> attempt to automatically decode a selected signal? The reason I ask is
>>> there was something on 14097 last night and I tried muultipsk/mixw and
>>> the various modes available on them to attempt a decode but was
>>> unsuccessful. I'm not sure which TNC had it -- MFJ1728 or the PK232MBX
>>> but I remember using the SIAM mode to attempt to decode various modes
>>> that were available in the early 90's.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> John
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