I agree on building your own PC.  I built one using a cheapie
case and power supply and it was pretty quiet.  So I ordered
another case and power supply, same catalog number from the
same supplier, and what came was a bit different.  The power
supply was the worst broad-band noise generator I have ever met,
even when the computer was turned off.  I've been told that
Antec makes good power supplies and boxes.

On the other problem, high noise on CB and 10 meters, I've found
that a battery-operated portable shortwave receiver is a great
tool.  I had a lot of trouble at first with power line noise.
The power company was cooperative but not very skilled in
finding it.  I could walk around with the battery receiver and
find the noise hot spots and then they could find the faulty
line hardware.

I read somewhere that your house is a high noise zone, and if you
get about 15 feet away things get much quieter.  I haven't yet
got around to trying that with the portable SW receiver.  I'm
told that even wall-wart power supplies these days generate RF
noise.  Touch lamps are known to be a bad source of noise.  One
of my friends says to turn off Everything in the house, unplug
all the wall warts, and see what kind of noise you have, and then
put things back on one-by-one.

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