--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "lmeeny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> When last I operated, early 80's, there was a lot of SSB activity on
> these lower bands during the day. You could always find someone to rag
> chew with. I live in the North East with a high density of operators
> yet I hear no daytime PSK31 stations.Calling CQ around 7.035 MHz has
> not prompted responses. 
> Are there better frequencies to operate on or do I just keep calling
> into the aether :-)
> Thanks,
> Ed W2GHD
Try 7.070MHz.  I am there just about everyday and there is quite a bit
of daytime activity.  I am antenna challenged with my only antenna
being a Buddipole in the attic but I hear and have worked quite a few
stations.   I have never been down around 7.035MHz.  I will listen
down there next week when I get back from visiting family for the
holiday.  Ummm...I do have my NUE-PSK Digital Modem with me and a
Kenwood TS-B2000 in the car so maybe I can check things out down there
tomorrow.  As for 80M, I have heard a whole lot of activity there any
time of the day.  Of course, I just recently got my Buddipole to tune
up on 80M.  Look around 3.582MHz on 80 for activity.

I'll be looking for you.  73,

Carl W8KRF

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