I personally am using RSQ reporting for all my Digital QSOs...mainly 
PSK31 right now.  I think it is more representative of those modes.  
Also, I want honest reports.  I can not believe I am always 599 
everywhere which is what I get 99% of the time.  I run a Buddipole in my 
attic so I know I do not have a 599 signal out in the west or east.

If you are using RSQ reporting be honest about the Q part.  If you see a 
less than a pure signal tell them.  As the popularity of PSK increases, 
I am seeing more and more signals with multiple sidebars indicating they 
are overdriving.  Unless they have an IMD meter, they may not realize 
they are too wide or overdriving.  PSK is truly a QRP mode so we don't 
have to be running high power. 

I'll be looking for you on the waterfall.


Carl W8KRF

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