----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:57:42 PM
Subject: Digital Voice DVD Documentary from ARVN

Hello, everyone

I apologize for the commercial - hopefully many will find it worthwhile.

I've just completed a 60 minute "documentary" on Digital Voice for Amateur 
Radio. It's on DVD, designed as a club meeting program to introduce hams to 
the various digital voice modes on both HF (AOR, WinDRM, DRMDV, FDMDV) and 

If you already operate the DV modes, you probably won't learn much (if 
you're only D-STAR, you'll learn a lot about the HF modes). But it will be 
a great tool to help you explain the modes to your friends and club.

The DVD is $25 (including shipping. NC residents will pay sales tax).
You can order it from my web site:
www.arvidnews.com.  And you can download a free 8 minute preview.

You can also download a PDF copy of my QST article "Operating D-STAR" from 
the September 2007 issue, if you missed that.

ARVN is a shoestring video production operation, but I think you'll find my 
programs several notches above what you can get for free on the 
Internet.  If you find this information worthwhile, please spread the 
word.  I promise I won't get rich off of this! I'd just like to go broke a 
little more slowly.

Gary KN4AQ

ARVN: Amateur Radio//Video News
Gary Pearce KN4AQ
508 Spencer Crest Ct.
Cary, NC 27513

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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