
I use the emcpup disk by Dave, W1HKJ and ham_pup . I use emcpup regularly and am actually able to make it run, although not without difficulties, on an old Toshiba Laptop with 96Mb of ram. They both have all the Linux apps needed to get you working most digital mode right away as well as logging, dxcluster, rig control and position location apps.

Darrel, VE7CUS

On 31-Mar-08, at 9:51 AM, Jose A. Amador wrote:

I would advise you to try Puppy Linux and PSKmail Live CD's (baed on
Mandriva) and see if any of them suits your expectations. The latest
PSKmail CD I have includes Wine and some older windows ham apps that
work well. I installed it to my hard drive on a P4 w/ 512 MB RAM.

The latest Puppy I have (3.92 I think) is able to make my V90 USB phone
modem (undoubtedly a winmodem) work properly. I have not installed it
and have not tried ham apps with it, but I guess they should work as
well. I find it more valuable as Live CD.

73 & GL,

Jose, CO2JA

Kurt wrote:
> I am looking for another OS to used on a older laptop.
> Laptop is 1ghz,256mgs ram, and a 40gig hd,dvd/cd reader. Right now it
> has XP(came with it)on, and thought I would try something else.
> The OS must have the ability to surf the net,email and have some
> softwareavailable for psk31,rtty,logbook.
> But the most important is easy to use.
> Any suggestions?
> 73
> Kurt

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