Tnx Andy for your input that helps alot cul

73 Russell NC5O

Russell Blair NC5O
Skype-Russell Blair 
Hell Field #300
DRCC #55

--- On Tue, 5/13/08, Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: ALE ... connecting and conversing
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 3:48 AM


As several others will likely point out, conversing with standard ALE
can be achieved easily . I am exaggerating a point but ALE's orginal
intent for amateur use was to use ALE to establish a contact and then
SWITCH to a mode best suited for conditions at the time. Thus you can
use ALE to scan and find a station and then switch to...say, PSK31 or
Olivia, CW, or even voice. 

Using the ALE software available (PC -ALE or Multipsk)you can converse
with the other station via some formats standard to ALE , they are
AMD, DTM , and DBM. Most use AMD at first and switch to DTM if
conditions require it.

The experience of most is that these formats, especially in PC-ALE,
are not very robust due to sound card calibration issues. I urge ALE
users to use ALE for the Automatic Link Establishment and then switch
to better communication tools (you mad need to QSY to the correct band
segments too). If you make a "link" with ALE, then you can almost
always expect that PSK31, MFSK16, DominoEX, CW, and Olivia will work
well on that same band.

I'm waiting for that next version of ALE software that makes the link
and instead of simple AMD /DTM options, the sofware would use SNR
information established while making the link and then display
digital modes suitable within that SNR. Then, up would pop an options
window that lists PSK, MFSK16, etc, etc.

Multipsk provides much of this already, albeit manually.

I will repeat my most frequent thoughts about ALE... there is nothing
better for establishing a link on the amateur bands and there is
nothing worse (than AMD/DTM with common PC souncards ) for conversing.

Andy K3UK


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