Good information Mel, I think I will use the format you mentioned.

Andy K3UK

--- In, "Mel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was interesting reading the transcript of a fictitious PSK 
> contact, its quite obvious that if many contacts are similar to that 
> one they are quite a bit different to those in Europe.
> I suppose I could say that we are more formal and informative because 
> the response will be, DL0ZZZ de G0GQK   Hello Bill, nice to see you 
> on 15 metres today. Your signal report is 5/9 My name is Mel and the 
> QTH is Newport in Shropshire England, IARU locator IO 82 TS, and EPC 
> #1803. OK Bill to you from Mel G0GQK in Newport BTU. Quick and 
> informative.
> The required station information is sent first time, there is no 
> requirement for someone to ask for a repeat of name or QTH because 
> this information is sent twice on the first over if QSB causes 
> problems.
> I've noticed when I've had contacts with US stations that there is a 
> preamble which doesn't occur in Europe because most operators speak 
> English only as a second language. When QSB has been severe the 
> preamble can be the cause of information not being passed 
> successfully and I have experienced situations where the station has 
> vanished into the aether, with me knowing its cold in Boston, but not 
> knowing the fella's name ! 
> So I have to look in
> Best wishes and kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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