      More to the point who is this ax25 protocol group it appears that
knows of them other than the author of the packet msg I posted

I have just received this from VK2AAB 

Hello Phillip,
               I got the info from the horse's mouth so to speak.
There have been some other countries that have needed seven character
callsign fields.
There were some aprs applications that could use it also.
I think the principle is that the authorities in whatever country will
issue 7 ch calls and we should not have a system that they are
prohibited from using because of software.
The idea is to use variable length field callsign fields. That will
enable existing callsigns to be used and shorter calls could be handled
by padding out to six characters.
They had backward compatibility in mind as far as six character calls
were concerned.
At least that was as far as my discussion went.
They were working on other problems at the time and indicated that they
would not be doing anything on variable length fields till later this
year. These things move very slowly so don't hold your breath.
73 Barry VK2AAB

-------Original Message-------
From: Rud Merriam
Date: 3/06/2008 11:51:11 a.m.
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] AX25 Protocol group


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