>From the info you provided, it's kinda hard to tell exactly what it is you 
>want to do.

Do you want to try 2m packet?  HF packet?  Satellite Packet?

Who you are and where you are would be helpful also.

Jeff  --  KE7ACY

----- Original Message ----- 
From: wizhippo 

I love digital modes. I have worked psk31, rtty, sstv etc but never

I have installed awgpe and UISS and have it working from what I can
tell. I can monitor the packets.

Now I want to make contact. I have read lots of articles on the net
but none that have been clear enough or modern enough to get me a contact.

I would love an example of how to go about making a qso or connecting
to a BBS or doing email.

If there is anyone willing to help me out that would be great. 
Unfortuanlty no one in our local club does any packet work to help.


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