I agree with the comments posted by Rick KV9U and Dave AA6YQ.
But why all this concern about age ? Also, the comment about split 
frequency operation with PSK ? Many tranceivers don't have the 
capability for this, and who is going to waste time setting it up when 
the bands are in poor condition and QSB takes contacts away in minutes ?

Its stated that the bands are being taken over by governments in 
Africa, South America and Asia. Millions of people in these countries 
spend most of their time surviving, earning a low wage for a hard days 
graft, trying to earn a crust for themselves and their families. They 
have no money to buy the important things in life, and a radio 
tranceiver certainly isn't one of them !

Can you control the activities of the US government, could ten million 
people stop it doing anything they didn't like ? The short answer is 
NO ! If there were half a million young radio amateurs using 40 and 80 
metres every day, if the PRC decided they wished to use the frequencies 
for their radio stations they would do it. It would, and it does, and 
the US nor any other government will stop it.

There's a rapid increase in active radio amateurs in China ! Of course, 
with a population of 1.2 billion people, the relaxation of hard line 
rule by the PRC government, people earning more money, enjoying 
themselves in new activities like driving cars and going to concerts.

The populations of the western countries are getting older, most people 
know that, Russia has a serious problem, the birthrate is low and has 
been going down for years. Males die early, caused by drink, drugs and 
misery. In Britain 20% of the population are over 65.

In the US and Britain there are now more severe restrictions on public 
activity and radio amateurs, after having passed the basic requirements 
to operate an amateur radio station have huge problems in gaining 
permission to install any kinds of suitable radio masts and antennas, 
and most applications are turned down. So you are 21 years old, bustin' 
a gut to be a radio amateur but the council turns down your 
application. Get out of that one ! 

The only sensible thing to do is to stop mithering about what is,what 
should be, what ought to be, and just get on with calling CQ whether 
your using old technology or the latest whiz- bangery

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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