If I am allowed to summarize, if you don't own a PTC, at least give 
Olivia a try  8-)

Impressive indeed, Tony.


Jose, CO2JA


Tony wrote:

> All,
> Certainly is remarkable the way Olivia mode performs under adverse 
> conditions.
> Was having trouble decoding VK2PN in PSK31 mode due to the unstable 
> conditions at the time (selective fading / multi-path).
> Switching to Olivia 500/16 fixed the problem. Copy went from marginal to 
> perfect (see captured text below).
> We certainly are lucky as digital ops to have a variety of modes to 
> choose from. Whether it's rag-chewing or dxing, it's nice to have the 
> ability to switch to suit conditions.
> Tony, K2MO
> Kings Park, NY
> __________________________________
> *e2MO de VKPN VA2PN pse kn  o e¬ i
> *
> Thanks for the call, your 449 449 New York.
> Name is Tony Tony.
> Hw cpy?
> VK2PN de K2MO K
> *Hi An ponm r coming back o me,
> Your ttport   : 559 55y naie  is   : atrick  Patri 
> Hr the QTH is : Sdney Syacey
> Locator: QF56pe BF56pe
> You ate not as tong as the previous sttnon ot the bxd is closing by 
> now.h s Funny propagation we get lo ely e.. very stong sils and then 
> iuddel th  and loses a 7 all sigs are gone tHow do yoe mopy? BTU vethe , 
> K2 iO   V -  t Dn  t  tCnte h Ot 
> *
> OK Patrick, thanks for the 559 report and ok on your
> QTH in Sydney. Yes, your not very strong here; do
> you have any other modes? Can you do Olivia Olivia
> or MFSK16 MFSK16? KKK
> *t i t-  aTMO de VK2PN OKi    tns...  the bead st b cloaidng... and yeis 
> I can work livia...  Woulfyo want to QSY a bidt or soay &re on this
> requenc ??
> e So BTU Anth&ony, K2MO ie VK2Pe c 
> *
> OK  yes we QSY QSY 14072 14072 14072 and 500hz 8 tone 500hz 8 tone is 
> that OK?
> * Laae r/t->K2MO de VbPN roger QSY 1400ei and 
> K usiog th i%o0 Hz width... fine Obtde vk2piy now
> Eel90k,)|teG
> t\j_[1$Wc?fSh
> *
> /
> *v
> K2MO de VK2PN roger roger Anthony... Yes the olivia is much more robust 
> than the psk hi hi
> I love Olivia too but there is not as many stations around on this mode. 
> Still I think, I've tried them all and love the Pactor the most. But 
> that is even more rare hi hi
> Sow is the copy?
> BTU Anthony, K2MO de VK2PN k
> *
> RRR Olivia makes quite a difference, throughput 100%. I'm running 20 
> watts to a 5 element Monoband Yagi by M2 up 18 meters.
> VK2PN de K2MO K
> *eK2MO de VK2PN OH yes. You are right, big diffetence this is 100% copy 
> and OK a bit slower, but who cares...  *

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