FYI , a brief  item about Hampal-Easypal conflicts, and a general
update on Easypal developments.  See below...

Andy K3UK


BTW: The frozen HamPal when receiving a BSR from EasyPal is due to
incompatible way of BSR and FIX in the software. As I wrote in my last
message, HamPal is no longer supported and if users works with it,
they have to live with this bug.

 EasyPal is the follow-up  program to HamPal, both software are from
 Erik, VK4AES. When Erik lost, due to a big thunderstorm, all his
 HamPal  sourcecode , he decided to start a new project called
 EasyPal. Till today he is working on this software to improve
 usability. Next step is a modification for temporary change of a
 TX-Filename to eliminate TX-Filenames coming from digital-camera
 ike  IMG007 or PIC007 etc. You can change the filename into My Photo or
 My TRX to give information to the RX-station without changing the real
 filename on your harddisk.

Betatest-version is on the run here on my computer.

 HamPal is no longer supported by the programmer, use the newest one
and that is EasyPal. The encoding and decoding on HamPal and EasyPal are
the same using DRM-Mode from Cesco HB9TLK. EasyPal has also a
Forward-error-correction mode called RS (Reed-Solomon-Code). This
 often eliminates the use of BSR and FIX on a crowded QRG.
 I have used it with a group of HamPal users and locked up their PCs
 when forwarding BSRs, also, HamPal isn`t to happy with Hi Def
pictures, but as you say, it is in beta at the moment ...

Vy. 73 de Guenter DD9ZO (EasyPal German-translater and

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