RAC announces a newly revised HF Band Plan

The HF band plan presently in use in Canada was adopted in 1996. Since then, 
many changes have happened in the Amateur radio world and other band plans have 
been revised and modified.

Let us only mention the changes announced by the FCC in 2007 affecting the US 
band plan and the revised one adopted by the IARU Region 2 countries at the 
Brasilia conference in September 2007.

Just under two years ago, Radio Amateurs of Canada had asked Bob Nash, VE3KZ, a 
former First Vice President of RAC, to re-activate the HFBPC (HF Band Planning 
Committee) with a goal to review and modernize the Canadian HF Band Plan. Bob's 
committee has since worked very hard in studying and consulting all across 
Canada to eventually come up with a band plan proposed to the Board of 
Directors of Radio Amateurs of Canada. 

The RAC Board has adopted this plan at its July 2008 meeting and the new band 
plan is now on the RAC Web page at: 

RAC wants to thank the HFBPC members for their hard work and wishes the 
Canadian Amateur community much pleasure in using the new band plans.

Please spread the news.


Daniel A. Lamoureux, VE2KA

Vice President International Affairs,
Radio Amateurs of Canada.



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