
You *cannot* use CAT for PTT with the TS-2000 and provide audio via the rear 
connector. You must toggle a ACC pin for PTT - see the DM780 PTT page.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So much for emergency preparedness !  I find myself unable to get the
> rig in to transmit mode with FL-digi 3.02.  I did have it PTTing OK
> with 3.01.   If I "initialize",   TX happens ...but stays on and does
> not switch to RX when the RX button is pressed.  I have successfully
> got the TS-2000 to talk to FL-digi  since the correct frequency is
> displayed in FL-DIGI.  If I have rig control via comm port, should I
> be selecting another comm port for PTT?  This is what I did ...but no
> luck 

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