Good info John thanks..  I think we have disabled them securely.


On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 8:30 PM, John Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for posting this BS Andy ....
> This guy Rich is NOT telling the WHOLE truth about "his?" invention ..
> I am getting bombarded with new requests to "add me as a friend" from
> sources outside of Yahoo groups. This garbage is being circulated all
> over the place and "somebody, somewhere" IS ABSOLUTELY circulating
> private information obtained. I am receiving "add me" requests from
> individuals I have had ZERO contact with for many years and
> definately would not want to add them to MY FRIENDS list ANYWHERE.
> They are KNOWN hackers and have nothing whatsoever to do with amateur
> radio, if they even know what that is.

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