On 09-23, Stephen Van Berg wrote:
> Your best bet is to run as root
> #cpan install Gtk2 
> Answer yes for all dependencies
> Let me know if this does not work. I am running slack 12.1 and can try 
> to reproduce.
> -stephen

        Greetings and thank you.. Cpan came to the rescue as far as
getting everything working but I have another problem in that I can't
use fldigi3.0 or 3.02 or 3.03 and PSKMail1.0..

        Rather than a long winded detail--two days of trying--can you
tell me if you are running from Slackware12.1 KDE or Gnome Desktop??
/or/ are you running from an Xterm?? I don't have either Desktop on the
subject machine.. If you are running from Xterm can you quote the exact
invocation you use to start the two programs?? I've tried a bazillion
combinations to no avail.. BTW.. FLDigi3.0 or 3.02 or 3.03 all work fine
by themselves, the npa binaries of 3.02 or 3.03..

> Hal wrote:
> >
> >
> > Greetings: Learning PSKMail I was able to run the Puppy4 live
> > CD; then install to it's own HD; both working fine.. Managed to send an
> > eMail via WB5CON, in Alabama, from WestVirginia, US..
> >
> > However, a Slackware user since year one I am more familiar and
> > prefer running sans Desktop--ICE Window Manager and XTerm.. Have hit a
> > snag:
> >
> > All dependencies mentioned installed and FLDigi3.02 running
> > fine, I get a fail report when invoking pskmail something like; "Can't
> > locate Gtk2.pm in @INC....." I tried copying Gtk2.pm and two more .pm
> > files from Puppy but no joy.. I thought it better to ask rather than
> > flail away any further.. Am not familiar with "@INC"; should I be
> > hitting the Perl books? (Of course Perl, Python, gtk+2, pygtk-2,
> > libgtkhtml packages all installed--maybe I've missed something?)
> >
> > TIA--appreciate!!
> >

        Vy 73 de Hal--W8MCH    UNIX-GNU/Linux - Slackware 11.0,

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