a couple more just arrived via LOTW....

DX Keeper ....
        Date      Time           Call    Band      Mode       Station
Call    Result

  2008-09-28  21:42:47           LX7I     20M      RTTY
       new confirmation for Luxembourg: RTTY, 20M
  2008-09-28  21:05:36           HI3T     20M      RTTY
       new confirmation for Dominican Republic: 20M

LotW operations: 48 QSLs processed, 48 log entries updated, 0 errors

Andy K3UK

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 7:58 AM, John Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What software and/or hardware did you use? I've used both MMTTY and
>> MixW. It seems much easier to tune with MixW since you can "see" much
>> more of the band and any signals present.
>> Tim, N9PUZ
> Currently I'm using a KAM connected to the PKT jack on my FT-1000MP Mk.V
> and the WinWarbler program from the DXLab Suite. I plan to upgrade to a
> soundcard interface very soon. This was just the fastest way I could get
> on RTTY with what I already have.
> 73,
> John, K9MM

Andy K3UK

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