
Thanks for your comments and sorry I missed you yesterday. 

> I have doubts on this department. If the peak amplitudes are the same, 
> as may be happening with the audio tests, the decoding on those 
> conditions should be equally valid.

The audio for each mode was normalized during the path simulation tests so I 
would assume the peak amplitudes were the same. 

> Vojtech points out that MT63 is more sensitive to distortions which are
> pretty common with some not so careful operators. 

I'm glad Vojtech mentioned this. I think some may be overdriving their rigs 
unintentionally with MT63 by not taking the peak power ratio into account. 

> I did not find any details on my references, but seemingly interleaving 
> is done both in the time and frequency domains, so there is more chance 
> for MT63 to get the message thru, specially with long interleave.

Certainly seems that way -- hard mode to beat when it comes to static crash 

Thanks for all Jose... 

Tony, K2MO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jose A. Amador" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Contestia 1K vs MT63?

> Tony wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> I get the same minimum SNR for Contestia but can squeeze -8db out of 
>> MT63 when using DM780 and IZ8BLY. 
> Yesterday I had no luck with DM780 while monitoring Tony's QSO's on 
> 14106. Of course, I have not calibrated DM780, so that is no surprise.
> Propagation was not good, but MultiPSK did fairly well.
>> The threshold difference shows on-air as well as under controlled 
>> conditions and so it would seem that the best way to get the most out of 
>> MT63 is to use software that decodes deeper into the noise.
> No doubt...
>> The 10-to-1 peak-to-average power ratio is an excellent point and 
>> it's obvious that Contestia will put more RF into the air on average. 
>> There's no doubt in my mind that the Contestia 16-1K will do better most 
>> of the time.
> I have doubts on this department. If the peak amplitudes are the same, 
> as may be happening with the audio tests, the decoding on those 
> conditions should be equally valid. Of course, Vojtech points out that 
> MT63 is more sensitive to distortions which are pretty common with some 
> not so careful operators. Fast attack slow decay ALC could have a chance 
> of correcting some of the overloads after the transmit IF, but the rest 
> of the chain, from the audio input to the IF should receive proper audio 
> levels. I have seen rebel cases of distorted PSK-31 when people closes 
> the mic gain and distortion remains... because the early  stages of the 
> transceiver are already overloaded, and I had a real bad luck when 
> explaining that to the other operator. People should know their way 
> around...
>> On the other hand, it does not seem to recover from the complete 
>> drop-outs that occur during deep fading or with lightning static the way 
>> MT63 does.
> I was browsing my references this afternoon (local) and I I decided not 
> to send a reply, since it seemed that Vojtech had a good point and was 
> not worth arguing about it. Nevertheless, I wonder how the degradating 
> effect of -30 to -20 dB IMD, the usually accepted values when adding 
> that to the channel noise.
> Even more when I read that Contestia was devised with a flat envelope on 
> mind (nonlinearity does not affect it) and uses about the same 
> Walsh-Hadamard code.
> But it _might_ mean, conversely, that Contestia is more power greedy, an 
> important consideration for emergency operation.
>> I've tested this theory by removing short 1-to-3 second segments of the 
>> signal at random intervals and the mode continues to print despite the 
>> missing 'chunks'. As you say, this could be due to the difference in 
>> modulation speeds. Is there an alternative mode that I can test that 
>> might have similar characteristics?
> I did not find any details on my references, but seemingly interleaving 
> is done both in the time and frequency domains, so there is more chance 
> for MT63 to get the message thru, specially with long interleave. On the 
> other hand, if someone "pulls the carpet" (heavy doppler) there is a 
> risk that MT63 will fail strepitously with bits falling on the wrong 
> bins while a mode with less, wider frequency "bins" (like Contestia or 
> Olivia) will really shine.
> I had really a low esteem for MT-63, but it had been hard to make a 
> MT-63 QSO before Tony started the present tests campaign. It just 
> happens that each mode should be used according to its most promiment 
> strengths.
> I still have low steem for Chip-64... 8-)
> 73,
> Jose, CO2JA

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