To me the most basic and straight forward way is to specify the actual 
radio frequency you will be radiating (on idle-tone if any is used in 
that mode). So all that is needed is this figure followed by (RF), and 
for some modes whether USB or LSB if side-band sensitive.
e.g. 7.0350 MHz (RF) USB.
Everyone with a Ham Licence must be capable of adding or subtracting 
two figures, and this method is just as straight forward for anyone 
with home-made or other rigs that do not have the conventional
'Black-Box' dial system.
But I do sometimes give the "Black-Box Dial Frequency" plus the 
Waterfall audio frequency, but then try to make sure it is unambiguous 
by stating what is meant. e.g. USB DIAL 7.0340 + 1000 Hz, which is not 
much trouble to type, instead of just putting the figures.
73 Bernard G3SMW 

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