Hi Doug,

Are you intending this for phone or data?

There never was much HF phone activity since the performance of digital 
phone modes is often poor compared with analog SSB which generally works 
much better, especially at amateur power levels/antennas.

While I have almost never been able to get anyone interested in text 
digital data transfer, there is a fair amount of SSTV digital data transfer.

Most hams now use EasyPal, but it is my understanding that there is 
compatibility between the programs for data transfer.


Rick, KV9U

doug_tara2005 wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm just wondering if anyone is using WINDRM on 20 meters?  I've been 
> listening for a while now and don't seem to hear anyone.
> -73
> Doug (N1OBU / FN31XJ)

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