Instead of using the 2FSK300 mode of conventional packet, they use a 
substitute 15 tone QPSK running at ~83 baud with 125 Hz separation of 

Packet has a lot of value in terms of the framework that I often 
mention, but the modulation is often extremely difficult for HF and this 
has been known for several decades.

I have never understood why the HF packet operators never seemed that 
eager to change to any other modulation, not even at least slowing the 
baud rate down to a more realistic value that could work much better, 
not only for sensitivity, but also for handling the ISI which is likely 
what prevents a 300 baud signal (with no training pulses) from working 
well, even with very modest amounts of multipath.

The RTTY contest is keeping 20 meters quite busy a the moment although 
the Mexico RTTY Interntional Contest should end by 1800Z today.


Rick, KV9U

Andy obrien wrote:
> I am coming late to this topic, how is this different from regular 
> packet ?
> Andy K3UK

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