--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Vojtech Bubnik" <bubn...@...> 
> > In a simple shoot out between olivia 250 x8 and msfk16 , olivia 
> > stopped decoding whilst mfsk was still at 100% ... thought that 
> > not supposed to  happen ?
> Hi Graham. 
> I am certainly not surprised and it confirms my Gaussian noise 
> Olivia trades sensitivity for automatic tuning. MFSK16's convolution
> coding provides for high sensitivity, but does not give sharp enough
> indicator, whether the data is valid. Basically the Hammond distance
> of the code is too low to give reliable indicator. Olivia uses Welsh
> block coding, which provides good data validity indicator, but has 
> as high coding gain as convolution codes.
> For explanation of coding gain, see the excellent article from g3ruh
> http://www.amsat.org/amsat/articles/g3ruh/105.html
> I believe the perfect weak signal mode for HAM radio is yet to be
> designed with easy tuning of Olivia and high sensitivity of MFSK16,
> combining both convolution and block codes. Maybe overlying MFSK16
> with Reed-Solomon block code and running multiple MFSK16 decoders 
> half tone spacing will do the trick.
> 73, Vojtech OK1IAK

The other thing was the initial test was mt63/500 ~ olivia 250 x 8 , 
MT dident do  very  well, so  ended up with mfsk .. the single tone 
is handy as well , as many lf stns cannot handle linear modes like 
psk  ..  but with the stability of modern rigs I dont see  why the 
original mfsk should not make a come back ?

G .. 

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