FYI, anyone have the full articel ?

Comparison of Performance of Digital Modulation Techniques in the 
Presence of Adjacent Channel Interference
Milstein, L.   Pickholtz, R.   Schilling, D.   
Univ. of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA;

This paper appears in: Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date: Aug 1982
Volume: 30,  Issue: 8
On page(s): 1984- 1993
ISSN: 0090-6778
Current Version Published: 2003-01-06 

The performance of four digital modulation techniques are compared to 
one another when each is received in the presence of adjacent channel 
interference. The interfering waveforms that each modulation format 
sees are identical to the modulation format under consideration. The 
four types of modulation are QPSK, 8-PSK, 16QASK, and QPR. Upper 
bounds to the probability of error are derived and used to evaluate 
the relative merits of the different schemes.  

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