--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew O'Brien" <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Mel" <Gzerogqk@> wrote:
> >
> > I remember reading about PSK in QRZ, which I could afford in those days. As 
> > a user of PacTOR I was quite excited about this, so later in the year when 
> > I visited the amateur radio show in the UK known as the Leicester Rally I 
> > intended to gain some information and buy an opto coupler. I walked all 
> > round, asked at various stands about buying a PSK opto coupler and all I 
> > got was " What's PSK?" The designer of PSK was unknown to those in Britain.
> > 
> > Kind regards, Mel G0GQK
> >
> Well Mel, I would say that is typical of those in the Midlands , since Peter 
> was , I think, living 4 miles from my  UK home in those days.  He lives in a 
> small village in Cumbria,  You know that those in the  south and midlands 
> think it is nothing but sheep north of Lancaster.  G3PLX also co-invented 

I think he is still there ? latest project is a software defined tx/rx ,I have 
spoked with him on 80 and the tx/rx sounded very good  

His beacon software is in use on 5 megs 

and at the moment , Andy G4JNT is running a slimmed down version of the beacon 
on 500 Khz


G .. 

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