
I'll be QRV on MT63 1k mode this afternoon and evening (March 18 / 19). Skeds 

Frequency - 14109.5 USB. 

I'd like to compare Contestia 8/1K mode (11.7 char/s) with MT63 as well. 
Contestia is available for  Mixw. 

Download the file from http:/ Place the Contestia / 
RTTYM files in your Mixw folder. The new modes will show up in the mode menu 

Tony -K2MO


It's best not to exceed 10 to 20 watts with MT63 when using a 100 watt 
transmitter. The higher peak output will not show on the average wattmeter. 
Distortion will occur if you overdrive the transmitter making copy more 

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