Thank You for your tip,s it is appreciated will let you know results...Ken

--- On Thu, 3/19/09, Patrick Lindecker <> wrote:

From: Patrick Lindecker <>
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] multipsk
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 12:26 PM

            Hello Ken,

You don't need any licence to use JT65. Below I have added the help part for 

JT65 transmission.

To abstract, from the default state, for example, push on the "CQ or QRZ" 

button. The transmission will be automatically done.

Here are some hints about Multipsk use. I must add that in JT65, the PC 

clock must be adjusted, but you must know it as you success decoding JT65.



Multipsk hints:

- It is strongly recommended to calibrate the sound-card: click on the 

"Adjustments" menu button, then select the "Determination of the RX/TX 

sound-card sampling frequencies" option and push on the "Determination of 

the 48 KHz RX sampling frequency (test on 3 minutes)" button. At the end of 

the test, click on "Return",

Note about the sound level ("Level" indication in % at the top of the 

screen): an AF level superior or equal to 10 % is OK. About 50 % is ideal 

(but not critical). In case of very low AF level, select "16 bits" in the 

"Determination of the RX/TX sound-card sampling frequencies" option 

("Adjustments" menu button),

About the help in Multipsk:

- To bring up the text help (contextual sensitive one), click on the right 

button of the mouse, with the cursor over the mode button "KISS", for 


- Also use the button hints (wait a fraction of second over a button).

JT65 transmission

The JT65 does correct only weak frequency drifts. So, the user will let the 

transceiver (XCVR) warms up for one hour and a half to stabilize its 

frequency (duration function of you XCVR, as modern XCVR stabilizes 


As said before, the text of the message to be transmitted is either 

formatted or it is free. In the second case, the message is limited to 13 

characters when, in the first case, more characters are transmitted because 

the information is compressed, but the Ham is not free to write what he/she 


The message ready to be sent is displayed in a green label, to the right of 

"To send:".

It is reminded that there are 3 ways to send a message:

1) immediatly, with the "Automat. TX" button OFF and both "Beacons" button 

OFF, if a message is clicked ("CQ or QRZ", for example),

2) automatically at the second 1 (or from the second 1 to the second 7, in 

case of Ham delay) , with the "Automat. TX" button ON and the "Beacons" 

button OFF, if a message is clicked ("CQ or QRZ", for example) before the 

second 8,

3) automatically beaconing at each odd or even minute (at the second 1), 

pushing either "Beacon odd/mn" button or "Beacon even/mn" button, if a 

message is clicked ("CQ or QRZ", for example). The "Automat. TX" button can 

be OFF or ON.

The standard way is the one described in 2).

This is a first VHF (EME) example of minimum QSO (with formatted messages):

1) CQ F6CTE JN18 (key "Escape" or "Esc" for blind Hams)

2) F6CTE F9XYZ JN07 (key "F1" for blind Hams)

3) F9XYZ F6CTE -20 OOO (key "F2" for blind Hams)

4) RO (key "F9" for blind Hams)

5) RRR (key "F10" for blind Hams)

6) 73 (key "F11" for blind Hams)

1) F6CTE calls CQ.

2) F9XYZ answers to F6CTE.

3) F6CTE confirms the reception of the F9XYZ answer adding "OOO" ("Your 

signals are weak but I have copied both of our callsigns" or more simply "I 

have copied both of our callsigns"). "-20" is the S/N ratio in dB of the 

received message (this information is automatically inserted by Multipsk).

4) "RO" is the acknowledgment of F9XYZ.

5) F6CTE sends "RRR" to say that the QSO is finished.

6) F9XYZ sends the traditional "73" to complete the QSO.

The QSO could be enriched with other formatted messages or non-formatted 

messages. For more détails, report to the "JT65 TX panel" above.

It is advised to transmit either on the odd minutes or on the even minutes.

This is a second HF example of minimum QSO (with formatted messages):

1) CQ F6CTE JN18 (key "Escape" or "Esc" for blind Hams)

2) F6CTE F9XYZ -JN07 (key "F1" for blind Hams)

3) F9XYZ F6CTE -20 (key "F2" for blind Hams)

4) F6CTE F9XYZ R-18 (key "F3" for blind Hams)

5) F9XYZ F6CTE 73 (key "F4" for blind Hams)

6) F6CTE F9XYZ 73 (key "F4" for blind Hams)

1) F6CTE calls CQ.

2) F9XYZ answers to F6CTE.

3) F6CTE confirms the reception of the F9XYZ answer. "-20" is the S/N ratio 

in dB of the received message (this information is automatically inserted by 


4) F9XYZ answers to F6CTE confirming that he/she received his/her report 

("R") and sending the F6CTE report in dB (this information is automatically 

inserted by Multipsk).

5) F6CTE sends the traditional "73" to complete the QSO.

6) F9XYZ confirms the end of the QSO with"73".

The QSO could be enriched with other formatted messages or non-formatted 

messages. For more détails, report to the "JT65 TX panel" above.

It is advised to transmit either on the odd minutes or on the even minutes.

Specificities in reception and transmission for blind Hams and SWL

First push the "Repetition" button and possibly "Char." (grands caractères). 

The following concerns only Hams.

It is reminded that each message can be started by clicking on the Escape 

key or on a function key:

a.. The Escape ("Esc") key starts the "CQ or QRZ" message,

  b.. The F1 key starts the "Answer 1" message,

  c.. The F2 key starts the "Answer 2" message,

  d.. The F3 key starts the "Answer 3" message,

  e.. The F4 key starts the "Answer 4" message,

  f.. The F5 key starts the "Free 1" message,

  g.. The F6 key starts the "Free 2" message,

  h.. The F7 key starts the "Free 3" message,

  i.. The F8 key starts the "Free 4" message,

  j.. The F9 key starts the "RO" message,

  k.. The F10 key starts the "RRR" message,

  l.. The F11 key starts the "73" message,

  m.. The F12 key starts the "Free 5" message.

The QSO will be "formatted". It means that it will be exchanged prepared 

messages in advance without possibility to change the text of the messages 

during the QSO (particularly the free messages).

For this, an other Ham must have previously filled:

a.. the blind Ham data (callsign and Locator) ("Personal" button). They 

will automatically fill the Call and Locator fields. For more details, 

report to Personal data and macros

  b.. the fields "Free 1" to "Free 4" must be filled (the field "Free 5" 

being automatically filled with the Locator and the callsign of the Ham).. It 

coud be, respectively, indicated, for example, the name of the Ham, his/her 

QTH and an abstract of the station.

Answer to a call (CQ)

On reception of a call CQ, the callsign following the "CQ" will 

automatically fill all the fields "His/her call") and a short specific ring 

will be activated.

The blind Ham will answer typing on the function key F1. In case of success 

a high-pitched ring is activated. Reversely, in case of failure a 

low-pitched ring is activated. This must not occur if a CQ has been decoded 

before, this one having automatically filled all the "His/Her call" fields.

So the Ham will type on the function keys according of the sequence of 

events of ths QSO.

It is interesting to study the previous examples.

Calling CQ

The blind Ham will call typing on the key "Escape" (or "Esc"). In case of 

success a high-pitched ring is activated. Reversely, in case of failure a 

low-pitched ring is activated (this might not occur).

On reception of an answer to your call (your callsign being in second 

position), the callsign of the other Ham will automatically fill all the 

fields "His/her call") and a short specific ring will be activated.

You will have to do your QSO using the function keys, according to both 

previous examples.

----- Original Message ----- 

From: "skip19755" <skip19...@yahoo. com>

To: <digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com>

Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 1:35 AM

Subject: [digitalradio] multipsk

> can not figure out my problem....using you have to purchase 

> it before you can xmit on JT65??? It RX great....but can not figure out 

> how to on RTTY and PSK...I know the program has limitations 

> for non registered users...while on the other hand...using K1JT program 

> can not RX but can TX....I have another radio coming but on 20 meters what 

> I have should be FB...Thank You Ken N5LYJ/5




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