I know this is digi related group but having just got my 135 foot doublet
back up after new year storms.  What is going on on 40M.  Is it me or is
there no English speaking hams on this band during the day.  Used to be lots
of UK net's on during the day and could work all over UK / Ireland and EU. 
Now we have even a ham I guess playing music at s9 on 7.092.   Has something
happened since I been away. 
The bans sounds like a CB free for all. 


-------Original Message-------
From: skip19755
Date: 17/03/2009 13:33:57
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] using WSPR
Hello to all...I am new to this mode and also trying JT65A...question is I
am using a Ten-Tec Scot 555 and the sideband is not switchable...it is set
for USB 20 up...LSB 30 down...works fine on psk and RTTY (can reverse) on
DM780...using the K1JT or WSPR program will it make any difference...also
where can I find a spotting sight that will show the frequency being used..
thank you for your time Ken N5LYJ/5




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