I liked it better back in the early 1960's when I was in Navy MARS with 
the call N0YUI. Of course, today that has been reissued as a ham call. HI


Rick, KV9U

David Little wrote:
> Paul,
> Glad to hear Navy is giving it a try.
> The rest is grossly off-topic, but I feel the need to expand my 
> understanding.....
> On the Zero, it is a sore point across services, as is the full call 
> debacle on initial check in that I believe came from Bo's influence.
> I can declare abbreviated calls are authorized, before I establish 
> ANCS, and take 5 to 8 check ins per minute with out duplicate 
> transmissions.
> In many cases, using abbreviated calls, I can get an entire working 
> net of about 20 stations, establish ANCS, make the call for emergency 
> or priority traffic, have ANCS make the same call, and have 54 minutes 
> for training, administrative business or emergency net operation.
> Since we have to use full phonetics (Our prefixes are more complex 
> than NNN), and we never fall back to Abbreviated Call Signs (Our 
> prefixes are more complex than NNN), and we never give a call sign 
> non-phonetically (our prefixes are more complex than NNN), and we use 
> FEMA Region designators to be able to geographically determine the 
> effectiveness of the net (our prefixes are more complex than 
> NNN0)....  We find that the attempt to require full call signs on 
> initial check in to be a surefire way to create Chaos.
> Also, in preferring the concept of training the way we would operate 
> in an emergency, we have generally found that requiring full calls to 
> NCS, when the net can only have ONE NCS is as well thought out as 
> being asked if we want fries with our fries, when we just order fries.
> One day, I may be fully expanded enough in mind and maturity to fully 
> understand the full call requirement. 
> I'll bet you guys are still laughing about that part of the new voice SOP.
> Bravo Zulu,
> David
> KD4NUE / AAM4__

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