Hello, Group -

I'm not one who's a heavy user of radio-based mailboxes - most likely
because of the Internet.  That said, I do see a need for one to help
with communications, activity, etc.  

SOOOOO, I put my Airmail to work and it's now accepting incoming
calls, when I'm not using my ICOM IC-746 myself for Kbd-Kbd 
PACTOR I QSOs or PSK, or ....??

It's parked on 7041 CF for the time being.  I was thinking of doing
this after seeing that I missed a connect from Nick, KU2A in NH.
Also missed some typing from Jose, CO2JA and Octavio, PY4OLB.

I'm interested in increasing the actvity and keep striking out with
other connect attempts with Denmark, Greece and the Aussies.
So, maybe, just maybe this little addition might open an avenue for
providing some type of communications support in that endeavor.

So, the doors open to anyone who might want to give it a try and
that includes the VK2 and 4 folks, Demetre and Peter for sure.
If I need to change the frequency to accomodate some testing,
let's do it; I'll announce the freq change.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN  EM79

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