I think the answer will prove to be very much a "yes" when it is 
available in DM780.

I have heard other hams talking about "Ghost QSOs" in Olivia which is 
true to an extent but it still relies on one party hearing the other 
party in the first place. With RS ID it will be possible (more or less) 
to have QSOs with stations you don't detect by ear at all.

One suggestion I would like to make to developers incorporating RS ID 
would be that even if your particular software does not play with a 
detected mode please think about informing the end user with the name of 
the mode. This would at least let people know what's going on and 
perhaps get them to return an RS ID for a more common mode.


Andy obrien wrote:
> I think the use of RS ID and detection is important. The issue still
> remains...will others try it?
> Andy K3UK

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