Marc PD4U wrote:

> But is the solar minimum the (only necessary and sufficient) explaining 
> factor for a global cooling?
> As we say in Holland "One swallow doesn't make it summer" meaning: one 
> cannot 'jump to conclusions' based on unsufficient data, and beside that 
> the swallow is not the explaining factor for summer to arise, but a 
> result of it.

There simply is not enough data yet for either global
cooling or global warming. A 100 year period could be
simple blip in the geological climate record.

The temperature data over the last few thousand years
shows several temperature blips, both to the warm and
the cold side, as well as a longer term warming trend
coming out of the last ice age.

Whether or not the data from the last 100 years means
anything within this trend probably won't be clear
for another century or two.

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