This is a topic of discussion that is raging on behind the lines in
Emergency Communications also.
The fundamental thing that many miscalculate is how the Intel that is to
be sent digitally is gathered and relayed to someone with the
capabilities to "digitize"
In this debate, a lot of babies have been thrown out with the bath water
Please keep the most rudimentary concept of communications in mind in
this discussion.  It is like factoring to prime numbers.
One day, everyone will have a total mobile digital station as an option
in their cars at point of purchase.
However, we aren't there yet, and we have to rely on what is available
if we are to offer a useful service to the community to pay for our keep
(and spectrum).
Voice Ops will always be an option; especially in the first 96 hours
when everyone is scrambling to restore enough damaged infrastructure to
get back on the air.
Again, as "hunter gatherers" someone must collect the Intel or "ground
truth" that is to be sent via digital means.
However, Amateur Radio is less about public service now than it has been
in the past, and many don't consider Emergency Communications as
something they are interested in.
As far as DX goes, that is another battle altogether.  Many who chase
weak signals are deeply involved in the modes that were available when
they were first licensed.
Some (an un-known quantity), don't have email, internet or computer
Some have never had their hands on a typewriter; much less a keyboard.  
Some don't own a microphone.  
To them , the topic is a non-starter.
To the technician who has stayed on weak-signal VHF and above long
enough to learn about propagation patterns, coax losses, antenna gain,
AOS/LOS, line of sight, etc...These are most likely to continue to learn
as they progress in their license upgrade path.  
They tend to see the full picture, and having to work harder for each
line of sight or tropo-enhanced contact  already have fairly well sized
up the importance of good operating techniques, and what is needed to
get the job done.
They have already found that you will make more contacts on HF with a
wire by mistake than you will ever make above 50MHz using proper
operating techniques, a good station that is properly put together and
mindful every step of the away of the losses and need for efficient
operations as they move from the approximately 7MHz total of HF spectrum
to the Gazillions of MHz of spectrum available to them, if they will
develop the gear and skills to use it.
They will be the ones that may carry 20th Century technology into the
21st century.  
The one day extras that come in to a test session with no license and
exit with an extra; not so much.
The CW ops that can't find a Microphone, but have a half-dozen keys
around; not so much.
Folks that enjoy and are heavily invested in ESSB; not so much
Folks that are equally involved in both Voice and Digital ops, and
understanding the need for each, and at what point in the timeline that
need is most apparent; preaching to the Choir.
Digital Only ops - "When the Ohms jump out of the Pot, look out!"  
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.  By and large; "specialization is
for insects"  when it comes down to survival.
Just a few thoughts,

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 10:54 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] SSB Phone versus other modes

I wonder why some folks bother with phone, especially under weak
conditions. It sure is fun to just "talk" but the performance of SSB
phone versus other modes continues to amaze me. Trying for the LOTW TP
award has caused me to use SSB phone more of late, and I am often
encountering situations where we switch from CW to digital and then to
phone for the award. Today for example, I worked NX7F 559 on CW, then
barely readable on phone, 339 at best, then 100% copy on PSK31. I wonder
if there are many phone ops who do not yet do the other modes? They
would be shocked at how much less shouting they would need to do if they
pursued DX in CW or digital modes.

Andy K3UK

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