I second Mikes advice/observation here.

As you receive and decode the other station may be slightly off the same 
frequency and the AFC takes care of this. 

Additionally I have noted that if the noise breaks the squelch then you can 
move a bit.


--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, mikea <mi...@...> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 12:34:19PM -0000, ac0mj wrote:
> > Good Morning to the group,
> > 
> > I have a question about the drift in Digital Master 780. I am sending
> > out CQs in RTTY this morning on 20m and noticed as on other modes in
> > the past that the signal I send drifts to the right slightly over
> > time. I started on 14.084.10 and a half hour later I am at 14.084.35.
> > I realize this is a minuscule drift, but I was wondering why it is
> > happening.
> I'll bet that you have AFC turned on, and that the frequency is drifting
> because of AFC. 
> -- 
> Mike Andrews, W5EGO
> mi...@...
> Tired old sysadmin

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