HI Guys,

Sorry for the request for help again.

I am confused with my new SL-USB.
I have followed the instructions to the "T", and supposably done all the 
correct things.
In one statement it says that if the sample rate is 11??? I should change this 
to 12000, but if the software is at 8000 then leave it alone.
Opening HRD DM-780 I find the sample rate at 8000, so I left it alone. I then 
went into the calibrate mode of DM-780 and it started at about 7990 and got up 
to 7998.5.
I ran it for about 30mins, but how long should I run the calibration? And is 
there a problem with it being 1.5 off? This was on RX, didn't get around to TX 

So what happens now if I switch to another program like MMSSTV or WINMOR and I 
am able to change the sample rate to 12000, will this upset the settings I have 
in DM-780?

While on it I have installed WINMOR, I intend trying it out hopefully later 
today (bands pretty dead here) and see what it does.

BTW I am running Win7 RTC and love it.

Any advanced help would be grateful


Kevin, ZL1KFM.

PS, BTW Peter I have had a look at the information you sent, I am going through 
it and see what I can do to improve it, but I will wait before doing that.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] 
  To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 6:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] New Signalink to Use on Data Modes.

    Gmail - Kevin, Natalia, Stacey & Rochelle skrev: 

    Hi All,

    I am about to try out my new purchase a "SignaLinkUSB" interface with my 
    I don't know if I will be on by the weekend as I have a number of other 
jobs to do to get back on the air.
    But once going I would be interested in how well the little unit works.


    Kevin, ZL1KFM.

  Hi Kevin,

  Lots of info and tips on the SLUSB here:
  SignaLinkUSB Mods ( 
http://www.frenning.dk/OZ1PIF_HOMEPAGE/SignaLinkUSB-mods.html )

Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter

** CW: Who? Me? You must be joking!! **
email: peter(no-spam-filler)@frenning.dk
Ph. +45 4619 3239
Peter Frenning
Ternevej 23
DK-4130 Viby Sj.


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