WINMOR works. It has taken 5 tweaked revisions to the beta version but
after a lot of testing and user adjustments I would conclude that it
"works".  By that I mean,  you can use this mode to connect to another
station and transfer a error free message.  The speed at which you can
transfer an error message is not particularly good and the mode
requires a moderate to good signal between both parties.  Given the
current propagation conditions and average antennae you can expect
data to be transferred between 100 and 300 bytes per minute, a few
400+ bytes per seconds transfers have been reported and one 1000 bytes
per second HF transfer is claimed.  I am sure than you could probably
match or better these results by using NBEMS/FLDIGI or mail transfers
with ALE400 or PSKMAIL ,  but at least WINMOR is making progress.  By
the way, I saw a email from a PACTOR III user recently that said for
WINMOR to be a serious alternative to PACTOR III, it needed to be
above 1000 bytes per minute.  Since I have never used PACTOR III that
is the first clue I have gotten about PIII transfers speeds. I am not
sure if PACTOR III  requires the same amount of SNR that WINMOR does,
but perhaps PIII is more robust under weak conditions.

So as I understand it , HF amateur radio operators can transfer
messages that have error correction via the following Windows based

RMS Express with WINMOR (beta):  Peer to peer message transfers ,
attachments allowed. Integration with WINLINK  via public mail boxes
is planned. Also has Telnet option built in.

FLDIGI-FLARQ  Peer to peer ARQ "email"  via MFSK, BPSK ,  and
DominoEX.  Use of "Wrap" files also allows for a "peer-to-masses"
error free message transfer.

MULTIPSK :  ALE 141 and ALE 400 mail and file transfers (Outlook
Express intergration)

jPSKMAIL with FLDIGI :       BPSK, THOR amd MFSK ARQ message transfers
via BBS .  Some Twitter integration. POP3 Mail capability.

EASYPAL:  File transfers with error correction. Some "peer to masses"
error correction and "fill" capability.

PC-ALE:  File transfers using standard ALE.  Also SMS Text messages
and integration with WINLINK

* FLDIGI and PSKMAIL both have linux options.

Did I miss anything?

Andy K3UK

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