--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "obrienaj" <aobri...@...> wrote:
> I've raised this before, but I still find the syntax at PSK Reporter awfully 
> confusing.  Perhaps I am just stupid.
> Example.  Currently I am on the PSK Reporter page, I have it set for 
> "On 80 meters show signal sent by the callsign  K3UK using all modes over the 
> last 30 minutes "
> When I click go I get a map of several stations in the USA. presumaley 
> monitors stations.  Should not the search parameters result in just signal 
> that K3UK has heard?  Also, what does "sent" mean versus "receive" ?  If I 
> receive a signal, am I not SENDING a report on what I received ?

A signal is sent by a transmitter and received by a receiver. Maybe I should 
change the word 'signal' to 'transmission'. Would that make it clearer. I 
should probably also improve the 'legend' to make it clear that large balloons 
are receivers and the small balloons are transmitters.

One of the confusions is what happens when there are no signals that match the 
search query. In this case, you get to see which receivers are currently 
active. This could be what is causing the confusion.

I understand how all of this works, but I am acutely aware that other people's 
mental model of what is going on could be entirely different. My goal is to 
make the model clear....


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