On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 08:34:08AM -0700, Russell Blair wrote:
> Well Mike, I did all that other having the decodeing ring to chang
> the iso to ? so it would load from a boot. I first loaded to a 512M
> memery stick. on the 512 stick it show as an iso how do I convert it
> to a bootable program.

Step 1 is to burn the .iso to a CD or DVD (if you're running Windows),
or to mount the .iso as a filesystem (if you're running FreeBSD or Linux
or some other Unixy OS). An ISO file is a one-file image of all the bits
and bytes on the CD/DVD, not something that generally is usable by itself
except for shipping a CD/DVD image around. Just copying the ISO file to
the USB stick isn't going to get you usable files. 

Step 2 is to update the boot sector on the USB stick. A quick Google search
came up with lots of hits; this is one that may have solutions you can use:
<http://www.bootdisk.com/pendrive.htm>. WARNING: You may have to format the
USB stick as part of this process. First, Preserve Anything You Don't Want
To Lose!

Step 3 is to copy all the files from the CD or DVD or filesystem to the USB
stick, preserving the directory structure. That's easy.

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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