HELLO  my name is george , i'm 58 yrs old , disabled retired . been hamming 
since 1993 . i had my extra class ticket for 13 yrs . i have always been 
interested in the digi stuff but here late have really gotten in to it , so i 
joined this page to read and learn more about it.i operate a ts-50 kenwood 
mobile in the house on a power supply , use an mfj949e versa tuner II into a 
160m 1/4 wave end-fed inverted 'v' configuration . i hombrewed my inteface and 
use a dell computer to run programs . i have downloaded just about ever free 
digi program i can find and have them up and running . trying to decide the 
ones i like best ,i will mainly read what all have posted to learn more . wish 
to thank the group for letting me join. 73's ac5jv george

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