Andy obrien wrote:
> Before we go down the path of debating "listen first" or not.  I will
> remind folks that most of the argument has been stated before.  Aside
> from the legalities of the issue, there are camps that strongly
> advocate that every hams should also listen first and not transmit if
> the frequency is busy, and those that feel some modes have such short
> initial identifying bursts that listening first is not necessary , and
> perhaps antiquated.  I think we should acknowledge both viewpoints,

I would note that the noises on 7040 drove me off that frequency,
and I suspect drove everyone else off that frequency, since the
whole band was wall to wall signals except for that frequency.
Any RF source that can hold a frequency like 7040 during a major contest
cannot be considered inconsequential or "de minimus" as the lawyers
like to say.

Rick N6RK

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