Can you please tell me which HF frequencies 
and modes in europe you use to ring up your 
friend with echolink?


Vhf and uhf . in germany there are so many nodes that even with a rubberduck
and a ht you can access the system most of the time ..

I ran an HF-SSB voice echolink node for over a year, 
on 5371.5kHz and 18157.5kHz. It was fun and useful. 
Over 1000 hams used it during that year. Some 
of the more interesting QSOs on it were the ones 
with the most distant and unusual situations... such 
as: A european ham on holiday, walking along a 
beach in Canary Islands on a 2m FM HT, talking with 
an american ham hiking with a PRC-1099 manpack on 
20W SSB 18MHz in Colorado USA.


Surely a lot of fun ..

 I sometimes did this on 80 and on topband for fun and replaying audio to


The use of DTMF tones for signaling from end-to-end 
is not available in most systems due to many repeaters 
auto-muting DTMF. This makes it difficult to add 
any type of universal on-channel audio signalling.

I do not wanna use dtmf for on channel signalling ...

Just e number code that the echolink node knows YOUR nodenumber ..

The number is normaly in the system when you connect via your home pc ...

Now if you move trough the country your node pc is off or switched to -r or
-l mode .  (maybe for bringing another node on the air for other hams) so
your normal number is not in the system..

With a special number (say your own number is 22334) for instance **99*22334
you tell the system that your number is 22334 and you are now in the area of
the node where you played your number in and if any calls you the call
should be forwarded (or a stored message of maybe 30sec. is store and
forward to the node where you are and played to you)

Everything is possible with only the dtmf tones on the rf side (not via
internet audio)

The other way is right . the dtmf tones MUST be muted via internet audio .
or the system will not know if the tone is for the node where you connected
or for the node that you are connected with...

I am sure that this function is possible ... maybe with another number
behind it for giving your MYNODEnumber a lifetime .. (**99*22334*(1-24)* for
lifetime of 1 hour to one day max...

So if you are on holiday somewhere ore are working somewhere in the country
you have to tell the next available node your number and you are available
with your homenodenumber ...

So you do not have to connect your friends manually and tell them where you
are now and what nodenumber you are connected with... that function would
make echolink work as a cellphone (almost)

No automatic roaming .. But a manual roaming .. If this would be implemented
in the soft it would be only a small step to mute your receiver and have a
dtmf receiver built in that rings when your number is transmitted from the

Next connect your car alarm horn to a relais .. just kidding ...

But the other things I wrote are an idea how the system could be upgraded ..

Just my 2 cents



Ps we should not make another and another and another system like echolink,
wires, amfones, and the new d-star etc We should try to bring up a system on
the air that is cheap, easy to work with, and can be used with a simple dtmf
mic as the minimum requirement ... and upgrading echolink would be such a
system .


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