FYI, the author of Winmor advised me that 3rd party busy detect IS part of
Winmor.  If the client attempts to call the server and the server dtecets
another signal, the connect is not allowed.  This, as Dave has consutantly
pointed out, is to be expected since the Winmor author has shown the ability
to design a similar busy detect feature in SCAMP.

Andy K3UK

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Phil Williams <> wrote:

> Yes,  seen that myself.
> philw de ka1gmn
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Andy obrien <> wrote:
>> WINMOR's busy detect works perfectly at the  initiating station's  end, a
>> pop-up windows tells you the frequency is in use and ask if you really want
>> to go ahead and transmit.  I have not seen it work at the other end, i.e.
>> prevent another station connecting  because a third party is also detected
>> at the receive station's end.
>> Andy K3UK

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