
I agree.  There are definite advantages of using DominoEX11 over of RTTY.

I am not quite sure how you get past the culture of RTTY, but I like your
suggestion of
using DominoEX11 as the secondary mode.

Maybe, one could work a station twice - once in RTTY and then again, in
and earn additional points.  What do you think?

philw de ka1gmn

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Jaak Hohensee <jaak.hohen...@eesti.ee>wrote:

> Hello
> From QRP-viewpoint mostly used contest and DXpedition mode RTTY not
> democratic.
> DominoEX 11 seems more suited for QRP and QRO common contesting and for
> DXepeditions.
> If the RTTY is reference, the DominoEX 11 speed is in big same, but snr
> is -7dB better.
> RTTY45 BW is 270 Hz, DominoEX 11 262 Hz
> Difficult to change the culture of use RTTY. But to bring the DEX11 as
> second mode for contests and DXpeditions is small step for more
> democratric use of our common resource - ham radiofrequencies.
> --
> 73 de es1hj/qrp
> Jaak

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