aa777888athotmaildotcom wrote:
> I believe RSID is old news, 2007 if not 2006.
> The recent surge in RSID use is really due to its excellent implementation in 
> HRD 5.0. 

Sorry to be a pedant but this is becoming an issue, HRD isn't a digital 
modes program but DM780 is.  They might both come shipped under one 
package, but it is important to recognise what each program is doing and 
HRD is the Computer Control, or CAT if you prefer, program that also 
supports and interfaces to some other programs within the suite of 
programs which can be used as stand alone programs in their own right, 
it doesn't send or receive digital modes in itself.

Simon has put in a lot of work on HRD and DM780 but it is important to 
recognise what each program does as we, on the HRD forum, are getting 
people asking why HRD wont 'work' with their interface/PC when they 
should be using DM780.


Dave (G0DJA)

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