Im not sure where to go with this.  I appreciate the fact that you agree with 
many of us that the dropping of the CW requirement for Extra was the wrong way 
to go.  Many others will disagree with that, and like politics, they won and we 
all have to live with that decision.  But, it is no reason to give up and just 
quit.  You have made your own personal decision to learn code, and indeed that 
does make one more able to fullfill the "ideal" of a ham radio operator, in the 
view of many inside and outside of ham radio.  That simply means you have the 
skill to use that mode, unlike many newcomers to the hobby.  Back when it was 
required, though, many passed the test and never again touched a key or tried 
to copy a CW QSO.  That was a personal decision, much like learning enough 
electronics to pass the test, yet never opening the case of a rig, or building 
even the simplest circuit.  Again, a personal decision, but at least one has 
the capability to do so later, if he so desires.  

As for the QSL card thing, I would disagree with the idea that no one sends 
cards.  Just ask the bureau sorters today.  They report higher and higher 
numbers of cards handled, almost from a month to month basis.  My incoming 
envelopes are coming more often, and are stuffed fuller with cards, than ever 
before.  I design and print my own cards today, just like I have for the past 
43 years or more.  It used to be a much more difficult procedure, but with the 
computer, it is but a moment of my time to print up, and cut, another few 
cards. I certainly appreciate my home made cards, and those of others who do 
the same.  Yes, a nice double sided, colored, postcard type QSL is nice to look 
at, but simply costs money on the part of the sender.  Mine, and other homebrew 
cards require some artistic output on our own part, and I think they even more 
represent the true spirit of ham radio.  So, dont buy 1000 cards.  Print a few, 
and see how many you use.  That allows you to change them, if you find you need 
to add new information, or remove old.  A change of address, calls, DXCC 
status: or adding your zone or grid square is easy to do.  This year is the 
100th birthday of Boy Scouting in the USA, so my latest cards have a picture of 
Baden Powell, the founder and indicate its my 61st year in the program.  Oh, 
and yes, I do upload to both LOTW and eQSL, and appreciate receiving 
confirmation matches on LOTW, because those come faster, and one can be assured 
they really do count for any of the ARRL awards for which they have been 
announced (DXCC-WAS) .  I simply have way too many cards here already, and do 
not need another 50 or 100 French or English or German cards, etc.  I do have 
at least one card for every country worked (333), and though I appreciate the 
fact that others may want a card - and do send one for every one received - I 
like the fact of savining both money and time when I do not have to send out 
another card and the ham on the other end says "LOTW please".    I do not use 
the eQSL awards program, but see no reason to refuse to upload to that program, 
for the other guy.  Oh, and by the way, its not just the powerhouse stations 
using LOTW, many many of my matches and verifications are from 100 watt 
stations (or less) from around the world.  Right now, my country status is:
Real cards 333 - LOTW 269 - eQSL 199.  Proof in the pudding - hams still use 
real cards.  
  If the powerhouse stations were not using LOTW, by the way, you might just 
have difficulty getting a card from some of them anyway.  Who wants to sit 
around and fill out 100,000 cards?  Eventually you would probably get one, if 
you still wanted it, but in the meantime, the rest of us have already got 
itconfirmed and verified in the DXCC program.  

Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice). Short stints at:  DA/PA/SU/HZ/7X/DU
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for those who do.  

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