While you could simply do it your self, I have greated a webpage that
displays Pskreporter, the K3UK Sked Page, and the Hamspots web page
all in one.  Each frame is resizable to your own needs.  This will
work best with a large wide screen monitor.  The K3UK Sked page will
require you to log in, as will Hamspots.  Then choose your page of
interest, Digitalradio is the one on the K3UK page related to digital
mode spots , but there is quite a bit of digital mode activity on the
LOTW page.


With this page, you can keep an eye on the large activity reported by
PSKReporter, and "chat" with people at the same time.  It would be
nice if people active on PSKreporter would always log on to a chat
page so that we could coordinate QSO attempts and other fun things.
Perhaps one day PSKreporter will have there own "chat" window as a
companion to the displayed reception reports.    Don't forget you can
customize PSKreporter to display  spots via  several intersting
methods, my favourite is by grid square.  Using that setting, I can
see who others in my grid square are hearing (see
http://www.obriensweb.com/pskrgrid.html  ) It would be  nice to be
able to do via 2-3 neighbouring squares.,  PSKreporter reports
multiple digital modes, not just PSK.  It can be found in DM780,
Fldigi, qnd Multipsk.

Comments welcome.

Andy K3UK

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